Animating the Interior By Nikē Baneberry

My name is Nikē Baneberry. I use they/them pronouns and I love how queer and trans I am. I'm informed in everything I do by my chronic pain, and unruly madness and my neurodivergent and autistic self. I am a white settler living in Mi'kma'ki, where much of my community work also happens. As this is a project online, I recognize the way the infrastructure of the internet is complicit in the ongoing settler colonialism of Turtle Island. I also claim it as a tool for building networks of mutual aid and support for marginalized communities.

I'm currently in the drawing and illustration phase of my tangled and messy architecture + art pursuits. I am motivated to create and imagine built environments that are liberatory, and move us all closer to anti-capitalist ways of living. Everything in my art practice is a seed for a real world application - each abstract architecture drawing a pathway into a new building that might get built, or zoning bylaw that needs to be challenged. Engaging in this art practice with me is also about engaging in the other projects I'm working on with community: transferring land into collective ownership; participating in alternative food growing methods and collective distribution; creating disability design curriculum for architecture educators; building networks of community infrastructure to strengthen rural spaces; building houses and collective living spaces by hand to work towards affordable housing and commoning. You will see how these other initiatives appear in my work. This is the first time I've taken the time to put my art out there - I hope you enjoy it - I hope it gives you the confidence you need to make shit, and make shit happen.


Instagram: @architecture_femme
